In today’s world and for several decades now, many people undergo cosmetic procedures like lip enhancement or breast enhancement. What might not seem as common in regards to these kind of procedures however, is a breast reduction. If you feel that your breasts are too large or heavy, then you might be a candidate for breast reduction surgery or gynecomastia treatment. Breasts that are disproportionately large can cause pain in your back, shoulders, or neck, breathing difficulties, poor posture, and chafing under your breasts. Many women feel self-conscious and conscientious, and larger breasts may interfere with normal daily activities or exercise. Women may have difficulties finding clothes that fit their frame or even fit their lifestyle. Breast reduction surgery can be liberating for women with breasts that are too large for their frame. Breast reduction surgery involves many choices. The first and most important is selecting a board-certified Plastic Surgeon in Stuart, FL that you can trust.

Your breast reduction specialist like this Breast Reduction Huntington Beach, CA will listen to your concerns and help you decide on the best approach to solve your problem of breasts that are too large for your frame. In addition to reducing the size of your breasts, the tissue will be lifted into a more youthful and pleasing position and shape. After breast reduction surgery, many patients have an improved body image and experience an improvement from health problems associated with excessively large breasts.
Not all symptoms that women believe are due to their excessively large breast size may resolve entirely; there may be other, underlying issues causing pain or other symptoms. Most women report at least some and often significant improvement in symptoms after undergoing breast reduction surgery. Any significant amounts of breast tissue removed at the time of surgery will be sent for pathology examination. This will result in a bill through your insurance company that you may be responsible for if you have not met your deductible for the year. We now also offer other cosmetic like just like hair implants WA.
Breast Augmentation Surgery is performed by breast augmentation experts under general anesthesia that is enhanced with local anesthesia in the remaining tissue for your comfort. The size of the areola (dark skin around the nipple) is often reduced as part of the surgery. A surgeon removes tissue as planned and then sutures the remaining breast tissue higher on the chest wall, which significantly extends the duration of the repositioning and lift that he performs. The incisions are covered with tape and light dressings, and the bandages are held in place with a bra. Some drainage and light bleeding can be expected for the first day or two. Initial discomfort subsides within several days and can be easily controlled with oral medications.
The specific risks and the suitability of breast reduction for a given individual can be determined only at the time of consultation with a plastic surgeon like those at Maryland Plastic Surgery and PURE MedSpa or experts that provide plastic surgery in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. All surgical procedures have some degree of risk, but major complications are rare.