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If you have unwanted fat on your body, you are certainly not alone. Liposuction is becoming more and more popular as people realize that they can do something about the shape of their bodies. Diet and exercise are the best ways to reduce fat and improve body appearance, but sometimes there are pockets of fat that remain unchanged despite your best efforts. Liposuction can be used on the abdomen, around the waist, at the hips, thighs, back, love handles, saddle bags, inner knees, calves, ankles, arms, and neck.
Liposuction is a surgical procedure used to sculpt the body by removing areas of extra fatty tissue. It is then necessary for your skin to shrink down to the smaller contour that Dr. Fryer has created for you. Your skin’s natural elasticity will help in this process. The presence of stretch marks or rolls of skin may mean that your skin may be unable to shrink sufficiently. In that event a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), arm lift (brachioplasty), butt lift like those Brazilian Butt Lift in Las Vegas, or thigh lift may be a more appropriate procedure. An expert can help you make those decisions and will individualize your treatment plans to help you achieve the beauty and confidence you desire.
Liposuction should not be perceived as a method of loosing weight. In fact, you should be at or near your target weight before you have liposuction so that your results are longer lasting and in harmony with the rest of your body. After treatment, you can expect a more flattering physique and a better fit for clothing.
Liposuction is done on an outpatient basis in our Salt Lake City facility. General anesthesia is usually used for your safety and comfort. Small suction tubes (cannulas) are inserted through very short incisions placed in inconspicuous locations near the fat deposits, and excess fat is removed. For your safety, we limit the amount of fat that can be removed in one operation to about five liters. Overly-aggressive liposuctioning and removal of too much fat can cause skin dimpling, waviness, and contour irregularities.
You will return home with a compression garment covering the treated areas. Compression is advised for about a month, as it helps reduce swelling after liposuction. Compression garments also help your skin to shrink back normally and avoid skin irregularities and fluid collections. Initial discomfort is easily controlled with oral medication. Bruising and swelling usually subside in 2 to 4 weeks, and the final result takes shape over 2 to 3 months.
The specific risks and the suitability of liposuction can be determined only during your free consultation with Salt Lake City plastic surgeon Dr. Fryer. All surgical procedures have some degree of risk, but major complications are rare.
Smart Lipo
Smartlipo is recognized as one of the fastest growing cosmetic procedures in America. Last year over 350,000 people underwent liposuction procedures. Smartlipo is a revolutionary advancement which helps to shape the contour of your body by removing unwanted fat in a method that reduces swelling, bruising, and discomfort compared to typical suction assisted liposuction (SAL) or tumescent liposuction. This means a more rapid recovery and return to normal activities. You can have that body you have always wanted with Smartlipo body contouring by Non surgical body contouring in Oklahoma City.
Smartlipo Triplex uses three different laser wavelengths to target and remove unwanted fat. The Smartlipo laser energy helps to stimulate the collagen and elastin in the skin which tightens and shrinks the skin. Smartlipo is able to shrink the skin an average of 54% more than standard liposuction alone. Smartlipo also tightens the skin over 12 times better than traditional liposuction alone. Smartlipo helps to achieve outstanding results for patients that were previously not considered ideal candidates for liposuction.
Smartlipo procedures can be performed with multiple small incisions which results in minimal scarring. Because the laser energy melts and disrupts the fat cells the liposuction portion of the procedure is much gentler and less traumatic to the tissues. The laser energy coagulates small blood vessels and thereby decreases the bruising and discomfort. With Smartlipo procedures performed by board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Richard Fryer you won’t believe the amazing results that you are able to achieve.
Smartlipo procedures can be performed under local anesthesia. Because Dr. Fryer is a board certified plastic surgeon he is also able to offer general anesthesia for patients that want to have more extensive procedures and amazing outcomes that are just not possible with local anesthesia alone. Patients experience less discomfort and quicker recoveries and return to regular activities more quickly than with traditional liposuction
After Smartlipo the fat cells that are removed never return so the results are permanent. Significant weight fluctuations afterwards can compromise the result, but you are going to be so pleased with your shape and figure that you are actually going to want to be seen in the gym! Many of Dr. Fryer’s Smartlipo patients see even greater improvement long term because they have increased self confidence and feel better in work-out clothes.
The best candidates for Smartlipo are people who are at or near their goal weight and have localized areas of fat which just never seem to go away despite diet and exercise. Typical Smartlipo procedures remove between 200 and 4000 ml of unwanted fat. After treatment, you can expect a more flattering physique and a better fit for clothing.
Pricing for Smartlipo is based on the total time spent performing the surgery. This pricing method helps make Smartlipo affordable for people that only need a small area treated. Pricing for “high definition” Smartlipo body sculpting is available after consultation and is based on the estimated amount of time and difficulty.
Dr. Fryer also offers traditional suction assisted liposuction, tumescent liposuction, and ultrasound assisted liposuction and can suit the treatment to your actual needs. As a board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Fryer can choose from multiple different treatment options to give you optimal results. Visit websites like to get more details on different procedures
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